2008-06-15 Kunshan
Source: 美国运通合资公司获批银行卡清算许可 预计年内开业 by 财新网
“We are pleased to be the first foreign company to receive this license. This approval represents an important step forward in our long-term growth strategy and is an historic moment, not only for American Express but for the continued growth and development of the payments industry in mainland China,” said Stephen J. Squeri, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of American Express. “We look forward to welcoming millions of new consumers, businesses and merchants in China to American Express, as well as continuing to enhance our support for our global customers when they travel to the region.”
Source: American Express Receives Clearance to Begin Processing Local Transactions in Mainland China by American Express
中国年内将发行非银联人民币卡:运通单标 支持 16 家银行+微信支付宝 by cnBeta
央行批准!中国年内将发行非银联人民币卡:美国运通单标,支持 16 家银行 + 微信支付宝 by 雷锋网
中国人民银行向连通公司核发银行卡清算业务许可证_部门政务_中国政府网 by 中国政府网