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The reason for start a new blog

2008-01-25 Zhuhai

Few days ago, one of my friends’ blog has been blocked by The Great Fire Wall(GFW), which maybe the largest information censor and filter system on the Internet. Although I’ve spent lots of time to research what the GFW is, how it works and the way to pass it, it’s still been the first time I feel so close to this big wall. This accident just makes me to concern about the sercurity of my blog.

Finally, I consider to use google’s Blogger as this blog’s backup outside the wall, and I did this by the following reasons:

  1. It has been blocked yet, things can’t be worse In fact, you can’t visit my Blogger directly in China(don’t belevie? Just click this link), so I think things just can’t be worse in the futrue. The most extreme things goverment can do to a blog inside China is destroy it compeletly, left nothing. But to a forgin BSP(Blog Service Provider), they can do nothing but block. The worest thing is I need to find a proxy to visit my blog, but all the stuffs are just be there, no words less.

  2. It providea a method to post blog articles by mail I really get tired of login and wait for a long time just to write a single new post, so post by mail is very attractive. My yo2 blog also provide such feature, but it can’t work with plaint text mail, which is the only format I can seed by my favor opera mail. Since I’ve already got a Gmail account and use it in the opera, it’s been really easy to integrate these two services provide by the same company.

  3. It’s very stable and safe Maybe you don’t like google’s services, but I don’t think you will doubt about their services’ roubust.